If you are in a situation where you are feeling anxious, confused and overwhelmed because you are tackling legal issues on your own or family matters, then help is easier to find than you might think! There is a bucket load to great reasons that you must have a family lawyer on your team – especially when you are going through a separation or a divorce. When times are tough and you have to dig extra deep to summon up the courage to make that call and ask what a family lawyer can do for you, here are just 7 of the essential reasons you must engage a family lawyer:
1. A Family Lawyer Will Advocate For You
To give you your very best chance at achieving an outcome that works for you in your unique circumstances, you need to know your rights and your standing at law.
You may well be able to figure your way through your legal challenge yourself, however, a family lawyer will ensure that you know about and understand the options available to you, advise you, answer your questions, represent you – and advocate for to negotiate, mediate or represent you in court if need be.
2. Know Your Rights And Obligations At Law
When times are difficult, the stakes are high and you are likely feeling emotional it is essential, logical and practical to turn to someone who has the experience (and years of education) to give you peace of mind that you are considering all of the options available to you.
While google and your friends may have some valuable perspectives for you, a family lawyer who can:
- patiently explain your rights and obligations to you based on caselaw and legislation,
- walk you through your options for settling your matter out of court, and
- talk you through what happens should your matter end up in court,
is a valuable – and vital – resource for you.
Check out our blog “How Far Can You Move Away As A Child’s Primary Carer?” today to learn what should you consider if you want to move as well as what the courts consider!
3. Navigate The Law
An aeroplane pilot navigates the skies. A ship’s captain navigates the seas. Unless you have a pilot’s licence, perhaps you do not fly yourself off on an exotic holiday. Unless you can navigate the seas, perhaps you do not take off on a voyage across rough oceans.
When you are going through the turbulent seas of life, or if you are in the eye of a legal storm life, then it is a lawyer who navigates the law.
More specifically, when it is a family law matter that you want to resolve, it is an experienced, responsive family lawyer that you need to navigate the law, so that you have a learned legal expert on your team.
4. Healthy Distance
Your family lawyer can assist you to see your options clearly because they know what your likely legal options might be in your circumstances and because they are not caught up in the sometimes intense emotions that accompany family law matters.
High emotions can make decision making difficult or even impossible. It is understandable – and perfectly normal to feel intensely emotional if you are making decisions that affect your children, or you feel you have been treated unjustly by your former partner. Your family lawyer can help you to resolve you matters without being tangled up in the raw emotion of your situation.
Lawyers are trained to consider your unique circumstances and your view and to represent you and provide you with their legal services, while remaining focused on your interests and the law.
They will focus on the facts of your case and the outcomes that you want and will seek out appropriate solutions and options for you in your situation. This means that you family matter may resolve more easily and more quickly – and with less stress.
5. Save You Time
A family lawyer is familiar with the sorts of circumstances you are facing, and they are familiar with the law. A family lawyer knows the ins and outs of the relevant legislation, caselaw, rules and regulations. In a practical sense, a family lawyer is used to writing letters, drafting agreements, reading lengthy documents and is used to accessing the Commonwealth Courts Portal.
Documents, legal procedures and rules can be confusing, tricky and unwieldy if you are trying to manage your family matter yourself. If you make mistakes simply because you did not know the correct form, procedure or rule to apply, you situation could take far longer to resolve that it needs to.
When you have a family lawyer on your team, you can rest assured that the correct processes and procedures will be followed so that your matter resolves with certainty and finality – and as quickly as possible in your circumstances.
6. Save You Money
If you are not entitled to legal aid, then lawyers do charge for their services. And you might be avoiding talking to a family lawyer because you are worried that engaging a lawyer will be an expensive exercise. The cost of your family law matter may not be as much as you fear! When you weigh up the advantages of having an experienced, skilled solicitor to advocate for you, advise you and represent you, you may well find that, although there is a monetary outlay, the outcome is worth it.
At Anumis Legal, we constantly hear how our clients feel more relaxed when they leave our office and they know that we have their interests taken care of.
As well as probably achieving a more favourable for you than if you were going to represent yourself, your matter would probably be resolved far more quickly, if you engage a family lawyer.
If you are thinking about engaging a family lawyer to assist you, then you might like to come along for a complimentary conversation so that you know exactly what the costs are likely to be, based on your situation.
7. Save You Stress
It would probably be true to say that you are already stressed and worried by the pressures you are under in your family situation, if you are considering looking for a family lawyer.
When you take on managing your family law challenge yourself, you are adding to your already overwhelming load, and you likely do not have the experience, professional knowledge and familiarity with the law that a family lawyer has.
You can significantly reduce your level of anxiety and stress and you may even find relief in discovering legal and other options that you had not thought of because your family lawyer is by your side. Or at the other end of a phone or email.
You family matter could conclude more quickly and you may end up with a much better-for-you result because you engage a family lawyer. Less stress. Better outcome. It seems like a sensible move to make, doesn’t it?
To give you more peace of mind, time to deal with the other important people in your life, your children, and so that you can have the headspace to think about what your life will be like free of the family matter that is troubling you, consider calling a family lawyer, right now. Family lawyers are here to help you.
Do you have a family dispute you would like to discuss with the Anumis Legal Family Lawyers?
If you are thinking about separating or getting divorced, you need a financial agreement or a parenting arrangementor you have any family related dispute or disagreement and you would like an obligation free conversation with our expert family lawyers, then for your confidential complimentary chat, call the experienced Anumis Legal Family Law Dream Team on 07 5455 6347 or email admin@anumis.com.au, now. We look forward to assisting you.