Looking For Assistance With Your Child Support Agreement?

Child support is a periodic payment that ensures a child is financially supported by both parents. In Australia, the Child Support Agency is the federal department that handles these cases, but in certain circumstances, parents can choose to make a Binding Child Support Agreement with the assistance of a family lawyer.

At Anumis Legal, our expert Sunshine Coast Family Lawyers have decades of experience helping families navigate these complex and challenging cases.

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How We Can Assist You With Your Child Support Agreement

Agreeing to child support payments and negotiating settlements can be sensitive and there are a lot of legal factors to consider. At Anumis, we have a team of experienced child support services lawyers who can guide you through the entire process, providing sound legal advice and preparing a child support agreement for you. Our child support services include:

Parenting arrangements

Property settlement

Consent orders

Same-sex marriage legal advice


Family dispute resolution

De facto vs married cases

Binding financial agreements



Child support agreements

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How Much Is Child Support In Australia?

Child support in Australia varies based on income and is decided using a set formula.

In most cases, parents who earn more pay more in child support, while primary carers don’t have to pay it at all.
We can help you work out the final calculation for your child support agreement to ensure your child’s standard of living is ideal.
Child support is paid regardless of how much time is spent with either parent.

Financial agreements after a separation can be recorded as a Limited Child Support Agreement (LSCA) or a Binding Child Support Agreements (BCSA) and our family lawyers can advise you on the best course of action. We’ve also written a blog about the Difference Between Binding and Limited Child Support Agreements to help you understand the difference between these two options.


For Your Complimentary Chat

Book an appointment so that we can advise you on your options regarding your Family Law needs, call Dr John or Nadine Love on 07 5455 6347 to book your complimentary chat, now.


How Is Child Support Calculated?

In Australia, child support is calculated using the “basic formula”, which considers the costs depending on the ages of the children and how many children there are.

The formula is used to calculate both parents’ percentage of care and each parent’s costs. The cost percentage is then subtracted from the income percentage for each parent.
Parents get credit for the expenses they pay when looking after the children and higher-income parents are required to contribute more.

The final calculation decides how much child support you pay and it takes both parents’ incomes and the financial needs of each child into consideration.

How Far Back Can You Claim Child Support In Australia?

If a child support payment hasn’t been paid in 3 months, it can be recovered by Services Australia. In some exceptional circumstances, they can collect child care support for up to nine months.

Services Australia has the power to recover child support payments in several ways, such as employer or bank account deductions or prosecution.

It’s important to talk to an experienced family lawyer about claiming child support in Australia, especially if payments are overdue.
In some cases, when a child lives with someone other than the parents, child support may also be payable to a full-time carer like a grandparent.

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What Does Child Support Cover?

Child support is designed to make sure children with separated parents experience the same standard of living no matter which parent they are cared for by.

If you look after the children at least 65% of the time, you will not have to pay child support. Child support payments are designed to cover the everyday costs of caring for a child and include:







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If You Are Looking For Advice About Your Child Support You Can Book a Free Consultation With The Anumis Legal Dream Team Now

If you need help with a child support agreement or legal advice on a child support case on the Sunshine Coast, our experienced family lawyers are here to help.

Call us today on 07 5455 6347 or contact us online and we’ll be in touch.
If you’re looking for advice on a child support case, you can also book a free initial consultation with one of our legal experts who can advise you on the best way to proceed with your case.

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Meet Our Legal Team


Dr John Cronin

Dr. John Cronin holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management, a PHD in socially responsible investment, and is pursuing a further PHD in superannuation law. In his earlier engineering career, he led numerous large-scale equipment design and infrastructure development projects. A former financial and investment advisor, Dr John has a wealth of experience across banking, finance, and investment.


Nadine Love

Nadine Love holds a Master’s Degree in Dramatherapy. In her earlier career as an author, mentor and trainer through her books, products, and coaching services she assisted people to transform their personal and professional lives to find confidence, clarity, success, and wellbeing. Nadine was awarded the 2020 NSW Bar Association Prize for Civil Litigation and Evidence.

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