
Family Dispute Resolution at Anumis Legal

When you are experiencing a family law dispute, the Court expects you to attempt to reach agreement (where it is safe to do so) by compromise, discussion and dispute resolution. Further, that you will only make an application to the Court as a last resort because there is no other way to resolve your dispute.

Before any application can be filed and with very few exceptions in parenting matters, Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) is mandatory.

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What is Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)?

FDR means the range of services especially tailored to assist you to resolve your disputes arising from divorce or separation, and to possibly improve your relationship with the other parent. There are several ways to assist you to find solutions.

Dispute resolution includes collaborative practice, conciliation, family mediation or FDR and negotiation through lawyers. Family dispute resolution practitioners are valuable because that they are independent and give separating parents advice and support in the discussion of their children’s needs to agree on parenting arrangements, ideally, without involving lengthy and costly court proceedings.

Dispute resolution may occur within the Court or it can take place outside of the court at a community-based organisation or with private practitioners. Sometimes, the Court may order you to attend dispute resolution after Court proceedings have started. If so, you will have to follow the order. If you do not comply, there can be costs awarded against you.

If you attend FDR with a judicial registrar, private mediator, or court child expert, they will provide you with a certificate of Dispute Resolution.

While family relationship centres and the family dispute resolution practitioners who work within family relationship centres provide advice, information, dispute resolution and other useful services, they do not provide legal advice. It is important that you make your appointment to talk to our caring, experienced, and knowledgeable family lawyers at Anumis Legal to make sure that you know your rights and obligations under the law.

What Can FDR Help You to Figure Out?

Family Dispute Resolution can help you resolve the tricky details around your parenting arrangements for your children including:

How changeovers might work and where

Time spent during the school term

Time spent during holiday time

Times spent on special days such as birthdays, mother’s day and father’s day

Travel arrangements

Restraints to protect the child or children such as who the child or children must not see or be near

How communication between parents and between parents and children will work

Child Therapy

Parenting Programs

Which parent the child or children lives with

Which parent the child or children spends time with

Whether a parent has sole responsibility or shared responsibility

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When tough decisions need robust legal backing, Anumis Legal steps up to the challenge. We combine assertive legal strategies with compassionate client care, ensuring you feel supported while aggressively pursuing your interests in any forum, from negotiation tables to courtrooms

We Can Assist With Family Dispute Resolution For a Range of Different Matters

We can help you navigate the complexities of Family Dispute Resolution and the variety of different disagreements that may occur during this time. Click the boxes below to learn more.

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What are the Benefits of Family Dispute Resolution?

If you are looking for a more cost effective, more immediate and less stressful way to resolve your parenting and financial disagreements after you have separated, or even if you are looking to separate amicably then Dispute Resolution may be an appropriate way to find solutions, rather than Court proceedings. Court proceedings are notoriously expensive, lengthy and anxiety provoking.

It is worth considering the following benefits of dispute resolution:

Reduced conflict for you and your children

Improved relationship(s) with the other parent or party(ies)

You have more control over your own decisions because all parties are involved in reaching agreement

Learn more effective ways to communicate with the other parent or party(ies)

Your agreement has a greater chance of lasting the test of time

The possibility easier resolution of future disputes should they arise

For Your Complimentary Chat

Book an appointment so that we can advise you on your options regarding your Family Law needs, call Dr John or Nadine Love on 07 5455 6347 to book your complimentary chat, now.


What is the Cost of FDR and Who Pays?

Within the Court, FDR is free. If you attend a Conciliation Conference to agree your financial arrangements, then the Family Law (Fee) Regulations 2012, determines the fee you will need to pay.

If you attend dispute resolution within community-based organisation then you will need to arrange the appointment yourself and you will have to meet the costs. Some services are Government subsidised and the fee payable depends on our financial position.

Private mediators and FDR practitioners determine their own fees and you will need to meet these costs. The same is true of post-separation parenting programs that may be ordered by the court, or agreed by Consent between you and the other parent.


What Does FDR Cover?

Before you can bring an application before the court for parenting orders, you and your former partner must have attended a dispute resolution program and obtained a certificate. Section 601I(9) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) lists exceptions to the requirement to attend family dispute resolution as follows:

The application is made by consent;

Any other reason set out in the Family Law Act.

The application is made in response to an application another party has made under Part VII of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth);

One or more of the parties is unable to participate effectively in family dispute resolution, such as if either you or your former partner live in a remote area;

The application relates to a breach, and there are reasonable grounds to believe that the respondent has shown a serious disregard for their obligations under the order;

The court is satisfied, on reasonable grounds, that there has been or there is a risk of abuse of a child by either you or your former partner, or there has been or there is a risk of family violence by either you or your former partner;

Before you can bring an application before the court for parenting orders, you and your former partner must have attended a dispute resolution program and obtained a certificate. Section 601(9) of the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) lists exceptions to the requirement to attend family dispute resolution as follows:


Our Anumis Legal Family Law Team

We will explain your rights and help you to move forward. Call Nadine Love or Dr John Cronin on 07 5455 6347 or email for your complimentary chat and with our Noosa Marina Family Lawyers!


We Pride Ourselves on Confidentiality

You can rest assured that your communications with a family dispute resolution practitioner are confidential, except where consent is provided that disclosure is necessary. The reasons that it would be necessary to reveal information include:

To provide a Section 601 certificate;

To assist the independent children’s lawyer in their role;

In order to protect a child, on the reasonable belief of the practitioner

To report or prevent an offence involving violence or the threat of violence;

To prevent or reduce a serious and imminent threat to the health, life, or the property of the person.

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For Your Family Dispute Resolution Needs Contact The Anumis Legal Family Law Dream Team Now

When you are thinking about separating, and after you separate, it can seem impossible to work out your child care and/or financial arrangements. Our Anumis Legal Dream Team are here to advise, guide and support you to your best solutions. Every family has its own unique issues, and our experienced, patient and wise legal experts are ready to help you.

If you and your former partner or spouse cannot agree your parenting arrangements to care for your child or children; or you are struggling to agree your post-separation financial arrangements and you want finality, then the sooner you get advice from the Anumis Legal Dream Team, the better.

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Meet Our Legal Team


Dr John Cronin

Dr John Cronin holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management, a PHD in socially responsible investment, and is pursuing a further PHD in superannuation law. In his earlier engineering career, he led numerous large-scale equipment design and infrastructure development projects. A former financial and investment advisor, Dr John has a wealth of experience across banking, finance, and investment.


Nadine Love

Nadine Love specialises in Family Law from the perspective that legal processes can and must promote wellbeing. Therapeutic Jurisprudence informs her compassionate, practical, respectful provision of legal services. In her pre-law career, Nadine devoted decades to working with groups and individuals as a therapist, mentor, trainer, and author to assist her clients to find clarity, confidence, and voice. Nadine holds a Master of Arts in Dramatherapy. In 2020, Nadine was awarded the NSW Bar Association Prize for Civil Litigation and Evidence.

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