
Family negotiation & mediation services on the Sunshine Coast

When your relationship breaks down and you find yourself navigating a dispute resolution process, you have several options available to you that are designed to facilitate a fair and just outcome for you, your former partner/ spouse and to take care of the best interests and needs of your children.

Perhaps you have heard of negotiation, mediation and litigation. Each process aims to resolve family law matters by applying different skills and techniques and depending on your circumstances. Family Dispute Resolution and a Conciliation Conference, which can be accessed along the Federal Circuit and Family Court pathway, may also assist you to achieve a parenting and/or property settlement.

There are several ways for you to come to your own arrangements to care for your children or finalise your financial matters including:

  • informal general mediation
  • discussion with your former partner
  • engaging a friend or family member to help
    participating in a special family mediation process referred to in the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) known as Family Dispute Resolution (FDR).
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What is Mediation

Mediation is a process during which a neutral third party. (the mediator) assists you and your former partner and/ or other parties to:

• Find options
• Identify issues in dispute
• Think about alternatives
• Reach an agreement

Mediation is an alternative to a decision being made for you by a judge and is an opportunity for you to reach an agreement with your former partner and/or other parties without the expense, stress and uncertainty of a court hearing.

If you are separating from your partner, then it is advisable to start as soon as you can to find out what you may or may not need to do regarding mediation. Your unique situation will dictate certain mediation musts and possibly whether you cannot safely attend mediation at all. To find out more about your family mediation obligations and what to do about them, call Nadine Love or Dr John Cronin on 07 5455 6347 or email for your complimentary chat and we will be happy to assist you. You can also learn more in our blog about the benefits of mediation!

How Anumis Legal can help you to mediate & negotiate a mutually beneficial outcome

When you need to negotiate and attend mediation to resolve your dispute, having Anumis Legal on your team has a wide range of benefits for you including that our experienced legal team will:

Assist you to identify the key issues for resolution

Suggest avenues and options to suit your situation

Attend meditation with you to advise, assist and negotiate for you

Assist you to prepare for your mediation with an independent mediator

Advise you on your position at law, having regard to your circumstances

Prepare Heads of Agreement once mediation has completed (if successful)

Provide you with essential legal advice and information to inform your decisions

Correspond with your former partner or your former partner’s legal representative

Draft and finalise parenting and/or property settlement agreements resulting from mediation

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Your Legal Champions, Ready to Fight

When tough decisions need robust legal backing, Anumis Legal steps up to the challenge. We combine assertive legal strategies with compassionate client care, ensuring you feel supported while aggressively pursuing your interests in any forum, from negotiation tables to courtrooms


7 Reasons You must take Mediation seriously

Whether you are looking to settle your parenting or property dispute, mediation brings multiple benefits to you, in comparison to court proceedings where a judge decides for you.

For Your Complimentary Chat

Book an appointment so that we can advise you on your options regarding your Family Law needs, call Dr John or Nadine Love on 07 5455 6347 to book your complimentary chat, now.


Getting Your Best Outcomes for You: Anumis Legal’s Mediation & Negotiation Strategies

When it comes to advising you on how best to achieve your parenting agreement and your property agreement so that you have certainty to move forward in your life, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

Our Anumis Legal Family Law Dream Team know how unique your situation is, and how your needs and those of your family are specific to you. This means that at our first meeting with you, your complimentary chat, we take great care to listen to you and to ask questions so that we can understand what is most important to you, from the get-go.

Throughout the process of finalising your parenting arrangement and property agreement, our approachable, tenacious and tough Anumis Legal Dream Team take great care to advise you, communicate with you and support you as your matter takes inevitable twists and turns toward completion.

While the Anumis Legal Family Law Team aims to settle your parenting and property matters swiftly, we prepare as if we were to face court. This means you are in experienced, safe hands and we are ready, at any time, to negotiate for you from the most strategic and opportune positions.

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What Happens When Negotiation/Mediation Fails?

When you are involved in a dispute, negotiation can save expense and a lengthy trial process. Negotiation requires discussion about the issues in dispute and a genuine attempt to come to an agreement. You can negotiate, or your solicitor can negotiate for you. If the negotiation process is not successful, mediation or litigation are your options.

You can participate in a mediation process, led by  an impartial third party: a mediator. Your chosen mediator should be accredited and familiar with disputes that are similar to yours. Both you and your former partner must agree that you will try to resolve your differences with the mediator’s help. The mediator will not decide for you. You must reach your own agreement with your former partner. Mediation is a good option if you are motivated to settle your disagreements out of court.

If mediation is not a suitable forum for resolving your family dispute, your mediator, a registered family dispute resolution practitioner, will issue you with a Section 60I Certificate,  which the Court requires you to file when you apply for Parenting Orders.

During the Family Court process you may attend Family Dispute Resolution for your parenting disputes and/ or a Conciliation process to attempt to settle your financial disputes. Failing these avenues to achieve agreement, a judge will decide your parenting and/ or property arrangements.  Both you and your former partner must abide by the Court’s determination. If you have legal grounds, it may be possible to lodge an appeal.


Our Anumis Legal Family Law Team

We will explain your rights and help you to move forward. Call Nadine Love or Dr John Cronin on 07 5455 6347 or email for your complimentary chat and with our Noosa Marina Family Lawyers!

What Our Clients Say

Meet Our Legal Team


Dr John Cronin

Dr John Cronin holds a Master’s Degree in Business Management, a PHD in socially responsible investment, and is pursuing a further PHD in superannuation law. In his earlier engineering career, he led numerous large-scale equipment design and infrastructure development projects. A former financial and investment advisor, Dr John has a wealth of experience across banking, finance, and investment.


Nadine Love

Nadine Love specialises in Family Law from the perspective that legal processes can and must promote wellbeing. Therapeutic Jurisprudence informs her compassionate, practical, respectful provision of legal services. In her pre-law career, Nadine devoted decades to working with groups and individuals as a therapist, mentor, trainer, and author to assist her clients to find clarity, confidence, and voice. Nadine holds a Master of Arts in Dramatherapy. In 2020, Nadine was awarded the NSW Bar Association Prize for Civil Litigation and Evidence.

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